Engineered for Life: The Failed Dogma of Evolution and a Fresh Model of Creationism
by Don McIntosh
Evolution might be a scientific theory, but it’s almost certainly false.
Creationism might not be a scientific theory, but it’s almost certainly true.
This book explains why.
“Engineered for Life is a refreshing look into an important subtopic of teleology, written in understandable but precise terminology. Don makes it very clear that evolution by natural selection is illogical. The language is precise but simple, and the argument is logical.”
– Dr. Johnson C. Philip, apologist, physicist, President of Trinity Graduate School of Apologetics and Theology
“I would recommend Engineered for Life to those seeking to understand why intelligent design most reasonably explains the world in which we live, including the origin and the vast, but limited, diversity of living things on this planet.”
– Dr. Sean Pitman, M.D., Loma Linda University School of Medicine, author of DetectingDesign.com
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Meditations of a Broken Man
by Vance A. McIntosh
In Meditations of a Broken Man, Vance McIntosh describes the spiritual realities of life for one ordinary man striving for Christlikeness in a broken world. Vance expounds on how the gospel and the truths of the Bible should influence every aspect of our lives, including our views on gender, politics, marriage, time, money, and more — and how those views impact daily living. With rawness and vulnerability he shares his thoughts, hopes, fears, joys and shortcomings. In the process he shows that the love and power of God can be found in unlikely spaces and places, and in every aspect of life. Ultimately he points his readers to the hope that is in Jesus Christ.
Vance McIntosh is a youth minister, hip-hop artist and psychology student currently living and preaching the gospel in Houston, Texas.
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The Treasured Mindset: Exploring New Possibilities and Endless Solutions
by Chiwara J. Cosmas
The Treasured Mindset is tailored to encourage your mindset to form ambitions, to explore, implement and maintain control of your plans, until you reach a point of victory. The purpose of inspiration is to encourage a spirit of achievement, development, prosperity, progression and advancement through redirecting mindsets. Your mindset is a hidden treasure, and you own the power to expose your inner genius provided you possess enough desire. Reading this book will fill your soul with great desires, and lead you to actions which make fulfillment of such desires possible.
Since attending college, author and speaker Chiwara Jordan Cosmas has worked in the auditing profession for a number of organizations, in both the private and public sectors. Cosmas has always had a desire to inspire others to reach their greatest potential. He is a keen believer in a philosophy which says “Every person is a genius, but the way we expose the inner giant who lives within us is what creates a difference.”
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Transcending Proof: In Defense of Christian Theism (2nd ed.)
by Don McIntosh
This selection of writings by a seasoned apologist offers some creative answers and insights concerning issues that challenge the intellectual integrity of the Christian faith:
â–ª Theodicy and the problem of evil
â–ª Creation and the logic of evolutionary theory
â–ª Evidence and rational justification of belief
â–ª History, probability and miracles
â–ª The coherence of Christian theism
“Don's work is a valuable addition to the growing apologetic library that is so needed by the Church.” -- from the Foreword by Stephen J. Bedard
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Snow Lion Meets Europe
by Khenpo Kyosang Rinpoche
“The Western society is built on machines. You live with them and even within them. And among them, too. Don’t tell me that your environment has no impact on your mind. It surely does….”
“Imagine that you are a teacher. Imagine that in your class, there are three or four lads who want to read Shakespeare or Goethe. Imagine that other students have no wish to read these authors. So what will you do if you are a ‘democratic’ teacher? You will let your students decide what they wish to study. No Shakespeare, no Goethe, to be sure….”
So states Khenpo Kyosang Rinpoche, an admired Buddhist lama, in Snow Lion Meets Europe. Through a series of lectures given to a mostly German audience, Snow Lion gently but firmly confronts the vagaries and inconsistencies of Western culture from an Eastern perspective. The result is a highly readable book that is provocative, humorous, and insightful.
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God's Word: From My Heart...to Yours.
by Alan Vandewater
In God’s Word: From My Heart to Yours, Alan Vandewater draws upon his life experiences and observations to share the truth of biblical revelation to a modern-day audience. Essentially a series of sermons preached to various churches around the American Midwest, God’s Word has something to say to everyone who has, as Jesus said, “ears to hear.”
“These devotion-like sermons are accessible to the uninitiated and meaty enough for the mature. I love Alan’s heart.” -- Rev. Bruce Goettsche
Mr. Alan Vandewater is a Lay Worship Leader for the So. Ohio Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America. He uses his experiences as a firefighter, fire investigator, EMT, councilman, husband and father to bring the gospel to life. Many of his introductions were based on real life happenings, both good and bad. This makes us realize that God is still a part of our everyday existence whether we acknowledge it or not.
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Mission-Centered Apologetics:
Demolishing Intellectual Stumbling Blocks and Declaring the Truth of the Gospel
by Don McIntosh
Apologetics has become a major ministry, even a big business, in the Christian church. But have apologists lost sight of their mission? In many cases, apologetics seems to have become an end in itself, disconnected from any larger evangelistic effort. In Mission-Centered Apologetics, Don McIntosh argues that the ministry of apologetics is essentially a tool of evangelism, and therefore apologetics must have a missionary purpose. He then analyzes four intellectual “stumbling blocks” that often stand in the way of faith, and suggests ways to address them in the context of preaching the gospel of Jesus.
Don McIntosh is a Christian, a husband of one and father of two, who holds graduate degrees in Industrial Technology (M.S.) and Apologetics & Theology (M.Div.). Currently pursuing a Doctor of Apologetics degree at Trinity Graduate School of Apologetics & Theology, Don lives and works in San Antonio, Texas.
How to Release Your Faith for a Miracle
by Moses Ohiwerei
When you come to that point in your life when all human efforts have failed, when medical science can no longer help you, when all appears hopeless, and misfortune stares you in the face, what you need is a miracle. God still intervenes in the affairs of men. The situation may be hopeless and impossible with men, but not with God. “For with God nothing shall be impossible.”
The principles in How to Release Your Faith for a Miracle have been proven, and since they worked for us, I’m confident they’ll work for you too, irrespective of your conditions. “All things are possible to the one who believes,” and that includes you!
Moses Ohiwerei is the founder of Revival House Int., a charismatic ministry with a message of revival, based in Benin City, Nigeria. A biochemist by training, he is inspired by the divine commission to “…bring about revival in the body of Christ…” This is a mission statement he received from the Lord. In the pursuit of this mission, he seeks to restore the individual believer in Christ to a life of spiritual realities in Christ Jesus, through the teaching and practical demonstration of God’s Word. Moses has been involved in the charismatic movement since 1991.
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Spiritual Sleepwalking: From Religious Zombie to Awakened
by Brian S. Rivera
In Spiritual Sleepwalking: From Religious Zombie to Awakened, author Brian Rivera reveals that many of us are spiritually in a state of deep sleep, blissfully ignorant of the truth of God and the salvation available in Jesus Christ. Drawing from his own experiences and insights from a dream he had, Rivera calls attention to the deceptions of religious tradition and reminds us, like the Apostle Paul, that "It is high time to awake from our sleep" (Romans 13:12).
Brian Rivera has been in Business Sales for many years and is currently a Regional Manager for a technology firm. Serving at church has always been important to Brian; from a very young age until now, he has served in a variety of ministries. Brian and his wife currently serve as the worship leaders and in the children's ministry at their local church just outside of Houston TX. The Riveras have been married for 18 years and have been blessed with five amazing children: four boys and a girl.
Fighting Spiritual Hosts of Wickedness: The Whole Armor of God
by Gideon A. Oladepo
"Effective spiritual warfare is a function of the life we live," says Gideon Oladepo in his latest book, Fighting Spiritual Hosts of Wickedness: The Whole Armor of God. Drawing richly from both Scripture and his own experiences, Pastor Oladepo analyzes the various pieces of spiritual armor described by the Apostle Paul in the sixth chapter of Ephesians. In the process he provides words of spiritual enlightenment, encouragement, and exhortation for often weary Christian soldiers.
Gideon A. Oladepo is a Bible teacher, conference speaker, and international business consultant who oversees both a gospel ministry and a professional accountancy practice in Nigeria. He is currently President of the Gideon Army for Missions and Evangelism (GAME), based in Lagos. Formerly a pastor with the Foursquare Gospel Church in Nigeria (from 1986 to 1990), Oladepo has authored several other books, including his autobiography, My Life My Dream: Adventures of an African.
Transcending Vision: Christian Theology in an Age of Empiricism
by Don McIntosh
"This book is a wake-up call, not only to reexamine our faith but to live lives worthy of the gospel in anticipation of the soon coming King of kings and Lord of lords." -- from the Foreword by Ernest Musekiwa
​​"A strong proponent of Christian proselytization, McIntosh offers much food for thought, targeted to skeptics as well as to his fellow Christians in this well-considered, informative volume." -- Self-Publishing Review
"I really enjoyed reading Transcending Vision. It is biblically based and spiritually vibrant in its presentation of the Christian faith. This is a fresh portrait of Christianity that is especially helpful for laypeople."
-- Pastor Stephen J. Bedard, Hope's Reason Ministries
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